Business Templates
Business invoice template

Download free business invoice templates

A clean, professional invoice reminds customers that you’re serious about your work. They also make payment a breeze with a single total that includes taxes and a due date on the invoice. No need to buy templates online — we offer free invoice templates. Download our many free invoice templates and start generating professional invoices.

What is a business invoice?

A business invoice is a bill you send your customer after completing the work. Every invoice contains the invoice number, contact information, due date and list of services so the customer knows exactly what they bought. Once you send the invoice, your customer reviews the information and pays the total on the bill. Having the invoice in writing reduces the risk of arguments, missed payments and miscommunications, so never assume that a “verbal” invoice is enough.

You can send an invoice during any part of the process. If you prefer to get paid up-front, you’ll send the invoice at the beginning. You’ll send multiple invoices if you’d rather get paid at different points in the process. If you want to get paid at the end, you’ll send the invoice when you complete the project. In any case, keep copies of the invoices for your records and use a service like BILL to keep track of payments.

Benefits of using a business invoice template

When you use invoice templates, you don’t have to start with a blank Word document. Instead, you get a template with the information already organized in neat sections. While you might need to make some edits, you’ll have a framework that gets you started as soon as possible.

This saves time that you’d otherwise spend making your invoice, giving you more time to focus on your business. Plus, if you accidentally screw up the layout, you can download the template again and start fresh. Customers will appreciate your speed, professionalism and attention to detail–which means that you get paid faster.

How do I create a business invoice?

To create your business invoice, use the invoice generator or download one of our templates. If you’d prefer a file, download a Word, PDF or Excel file, then edit your template through the platform. You can change everything on the template, including text, colors, fonts, branding and layout.

You can also make invoices in minutes with our invoice generator. Fill in the information, then preview your invoice and download a PDF or send the invoice directly. You can make as many invoices as you want–just note that the generator doesn’t save your invoice. Additionally, you can’t change the layout if you send the invoice through the generator.

How to edit your business invoice template

To start, download the template that you want to use. Afterward, follow these steps:

  1. Open your template in Word, Excel or a PDF reader.
  2. If necessary, edit the colors and layout to reflect your branding. Click on each section to edit that part of the invoice. Otherwise, jump right into building the invoice.
  3. Click on the text to edit it. Start with your name, contact information and the name of the customer or business receiving the bill.
  4. Enter the invoice number, the date you wrote the invoice and the payment due date.
  5. List each service that you provided for the customer. Include the individual quantities and prices.
  6. Add the sub-total, include taxes, then provide the total with tax included.
  7. If applicable, write notes to the customer.

When you’re done, email the invoice to the customer as an attached file. Don’t copy-and-paste the invoice directly into the email – it’ll be skewed and difficult to read.

Does Microsoft Word have a business invoice template?

Microsoft Word offers invoice templates. Open Word, then go to the templates section and search “invoice.” You’ll find several free templates available for download. Some invoices have colors and designs while others provide a blank invoice like a receipt. Click the template that you want to use, edit the invoice and send it to your customer.

If you don’t see a design that you like, check out our BILL templates. Download them all, and see which ones suit your business. Afterward, sign up for BILL so you can send invoices, keep track of payments and manage your business without spending money until you’re sure it’s the right decision.

The content and templates are provided for informational purposes only and are provided as-is and as available basis. You should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. All content on this site is information of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. For questions or advice regarding your business’s specific circumstances, please consult your business financial advisor. Nothing in the site constitutes professional and/or financial advice, nor does any information on the site constitute a comprehensive or complete statement of the matters discussed or the law relating thereto. BILL is not a fiduciary by virtue of any person’s use of or access to the site or the templates provided herein. You alone assume the sole responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of any information or other content on the site before using the templates provided or making any decisions based on such information or other content. You agree not to hold BILL, its affiliates or any third party service provider liable for any possible claim for damages arising from your use of the templates provided herein or any decision you make based on information or other content made available to you through the site.