Business Templates
Pro forma invoice template

Download the best pro forma invoice template

To reduce time spent on invoicing, you can download the best pro forma invoice templates from BILL. Our templates are fully editable and can be downloaded in pdf, excel, or word format to customize and use as you require.

What is the difference between a proforma invoice and an invoice?

The essential difference between a pro forma invoice and an invoice is when payment is expected. A pro forma invoice is sent if payment is required either partially or in full in advance, whereas an invoice is sent after the delivery of goods or services has been completed. A standard invoice will usually be written with clear terms of payment included; if payment is expected immediately, after 7 days, 30 days, or at the end of the calendar month, for example.

Benefits of using a proforma invoice template

Using a pro forma invoice template carries several benefits to help you and your business. These include:

  • They save time. Creating an entirely new document every time you send a proforma invoice is time-consuming. Simply filling in a template each time gives you more time to concentrate on running your business.
  • Accuracy. By just filling out the details of the particular proforma invoice, you can concentrate on the essential information, making it much less likely that there will be mistakes.
  • Professionalism. Sending out documents that have a consistent look and format looks professional to your customers and clients, helping to build trust in your relationships.

How do I edit a proforma invoice template?

Editing a pro forma invoice template is straightforward.

  1. Open the template in whichever format you choose.
  2. Customize the headers and add your company logo and contact information.
  3. Fill out each line with descriptions, quantities, and prices.
  4. Add tax and shipping details if required.
  5. Send to your customer by email or post as required. Remember to save in a non-editable format such as a pdf if you are sending it electronically.

What are proforma invoices used for?

If you supply goods or services to an individual or business and need payment in advance, you need to use a pro forma invoice. This usually happens for two main reasons. Firstly, if you are dealing with a client for the first time, it is common to ask for payment upfront. Advance payments can help build a trusting relationship with the client, and they may be offered an account with, for example, 30-day invoicing on further orders.

Secondly, you may have done a credit check on your customer and found that their credit rating is terrible. In this case, it’s best to use pro forma invoicing on an ongoing basis, at least until their credit rating shows sufficient improvement.

How do I create a proforma invoice?

You can create a pro forma invoice in a variety of ways. You can write it in Word or Google Docs or build one as a spreadsheet in Excel. Or, of course, you can simply download our template. When creating one, you should always include the following details:

  • Your company name, address, and contact details
  • Your company logo
  • The client/customer’s company name, address, and contact details
  • Shipping address if applicable
  • Lines detailing each item, including descriptions, quantities, and prices
  • Tax and shipping prices and details where applicable
  • Total price

You should also include details of how and where to pay and any terms and conditions. For example, you should outline if the invoice needs to be paid wholly or partly before goods or services are rendered. You may also want to include at what point your customer gains ownership of goods and the Incoterms details.

What is the best format for a proforma invoice?

The best format for your pro forma invoice templates depends on how you use them and how complex your invoicing needs are. For example, if most of your pro forma invoices are very simple, with one or two lines, you may want just to print off a pdf template and fill it in by hand, especially if you have an employee that is not very tech-savvy.

On the other hand, if your pro forma invoices involve multiple lines with large quantities, an Excel spreadsheet format might be best, as it can do all the calculations for you and easily print across multiple sheets. If your business needs are somewhere in the middle, any calculations are not hard to do, and you are comfortable with Word, then that is the format for you.

Whichever format you require, be it pdf, Word, or Excel, BILL can meet your needs with our easily editable and customizable pro forma invoice templates, downloadable direct from our website.

The content and templates are provided for informational purposes only and are provided as-is and as available basis. You should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. All content on this site is information of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. For questions or advice regarding your business’s specific circumstances, please consult your business financial advisor. Nothing in the site constitutes professional and/or financial advice, nor does any information on the site constitute a comprehensive or complete statement of the matters discussed or the law relating thereto. BILL is not a fiduciary by virtue of any person’s use of or access to the site or the templates provided herein. You alone assume the sole responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of any information or other content on the site before using the templates provided or making any decisions based on such information or other content. You agree not to hold BILL, its affiliates or any third party service provider liable for any possible claim for damages arising from your use of the templates provided herein or any decision you make based on information or other content made available to you through the site.