We’ve reduced the steps needed to approve and pay a bill so you can get some time back. Now, if you're the last approver and have permission to make payments in BILL, you can select Approve and Pay to go directly to the payment details page. Learn more about approving bills here.
Quickly view your entire note history so you can review previous notes, leave a new note, and tag others to resolve issues if needed.
Now, if an approver denies a bill, you can view the reason. Whether it's a duplicate bill, data entry error, or incorrect approver, you'll have more clarity on steps to resolve the issue. Learn more about approving and denying bills here.
BILL now provides specific error messages for each failed payment when paying multiple bills at once. This makes it easier to understand why a payment resulted in an error and fix issues blocking them. For combined payments (those that include multiple bills), view all error messages related to it in one row.