On mobile, virtual cards are automatically created as soon as funds are available. Now, we’ve brought that experience to the web. No matter where you log on, you’ll always have a virtual card ready as long as you have funds assigned.
Accidentally delete a virtual card? You now have 72 hours to undo that action. Just go to the Deleted Cards page, choose the card you’d like to reactivate, and select Reactivate card.
Before, you could only forward receipts to auto-categorize transactions via the email they used to log into BILL Spend & Expense. Now users can add a receipt email to their account to forward receipts for added flexibility. Go to Profile>Options>EditAccount >Add your Receipt Email to activate this feature.
You can now edit your virtual member cards' names, custom fields, and notes. Note: only the cardholder can edit the details of their own member card.
Admins now have the option when adding a person to BILL Spend & Expense to allow them to order their own card. Save time and make it easier for cardholders to track their card orders.