Add cards to vendors faster with this new feature

Want to take control of your spend in one place?  This new feature is for you! Create some virtual cards as you onboard to BILL Spend & Expense or create a new card to replace an existing compromised or expiring card.

Sunlight API: Add card to vendors interface

We're excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Sunlight to make it easier than ever to take control of spend management.

How easy? Users can now seamlessly add virtual cards to vendors without leaving the BILL Spend & Expense platform. Learn more by reading the help article or browsing the list of supported vendors.

This feature is just the beginning. Our product teams will continue to explore new ways to leverage technology to make virtual card management an even more seamless experience.

At BILL, we're always striving to improve our platform and provide the best service possible. Have an update you’d like to see? Send your feedback to